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Managing User Access

Business Service Administrators (BSAs) for a particular organization must approve all access requests for other users in their organization, or those users will be unable to access anything. In addition to approving access requests, BSAs can also set other users to be BSAs.  


To manage your user access:

  1. Go to the Business Customer Gateway on and log on.

  2. To approve or deny access requests for users in your organization, click Request Inbox, then click the user's last name. A page appears with a brief summary of the user, the access requested, and the location that would be affected by approval of the access request.

  3. To set another user as a BSA or remove BSA status from another user, click Manage User Access. The Manage User Access page displays. Next:

  4. To view the details of a business location, click the business name on either the Request Inbox or the Manage User Access page. Another window opens with the information. Click Close Window when done.

To manage user access for other users (BSAs only) or yourself (all users), click the appropriate link at the top of the page. To perform other functions, click Gateway at the top of the page.